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Pedro Nogueira Photography

Um blog para mostrar as minhas fotos e para escrever sobre tudo o que me vier à cabeça …assim haja tempo.

Sacrées Nonnes


Animated short film
Film Graduation Project
School: ISART DIGITAL, the video game and 3D animation / VFX School.

Two eccentric nuns arrive late at the Holy Mass and get expelled from the service.
While doing a cleaning chore as punishment, they accidentally break a valuable liturgical object. Full of regrets, they try everything to repair their mistake, but nothing goes as expected.
Sucked into a whirlwind of improbable events, the nuns end up sliding down the slippery slope to sin.

Assista a Sacrées Nonnes.


Sacrées Nonnes.jpg

 Still frame do filme "Sacrées Nonnes"

Mice, a small story


Animated short film
Film Graduation Project
School: ISART DIGITAL, the video game and 3D animation / VFX School.

In a dark subway tunnel, a group of mice find a gold ring-pull that seems to have a mysterious effect on one of them.
Not so far from them, an owl and his enslaved rats are watching. The owl sends his rats to get hold of this strange object...

Assista a Mice, a small story.


Mice a small story.jpg

 Still frame do filme "Mice, a small story"



Curta de animação.

Graduation Film.
School : ISART DIGITAL, the Video Game and 3D Animation / VFX School


Nas trincheiras francesas, reina a calma.
Os Poilus esperam pela saída para o campo de batalha.
Entre eles, Ferdinand, uma jovem lebre, toca a sua harmónica.
Um sinal de apito é dado, o ataque começa.
É na terra de ninguém que ele encontra pela primeira vez o seu inimigo, uma criatura horrível.

Assista a Poilus.


Still frame do filme "Poilus"